Archive of Monthly Digests




  • We have had visits from Alan Scott's, Partner, his two sons and grand sons. They appreciated seeing round the Shed and where Alan had worked.
  • They presented the Shed with £325 donation, half the collection at Alans funeral.
  • Surveyor has confirmed that our building is basically sound. We have a flat roof to replace. All the guttering, soffits and fascia require cleaning and painting or replacing. The chip board floors in the workshop rooms have soft patches but are dry so covering them with 18mm ply will be fine.
  • We have attempted clearing the drains but we may have to call in a professional drain clearer.
  • The wood shed is having its roof fitted.
  • The dust extraction system will be delivered next week, well most of it some parts to follow!!
  • We have received half a dozen old computers and various electronic parts. This has excited some of our members.