Welcome to our website
The Shed was founded in spring 2018 and became a charity on 7th March 2019.
The charitable purpose of the Shed is to provide recreational facilities and advance the social needs, health and well being of members of all ages and backgrounds living in the Biggar and surrounding areas.
Where: The former Walston Primary School
When: Wednesday 10am - 4pm
Thursday 10am - 4pm
Membership: Open to any individual aged 18 or over who is currently resident in Biggar or surrounding areas who supports the purpose and the activities which the organisation exists to promote.
Visitors: Always welcome so why not pop along and see us?
Monthly Digest October 2023
Monday opening trial will continue in the meantime.
Working in local Community. a) Biggar Little Festival Audience Response Gauge. Delivered b) Giant toadstool repaired and returned to Primary school. c) Toy train repaired and returned to Primary School.
Another garage of tools donated to check out.
Strengthening of the workshop floor is well in progress. 50% plated aim of 100% this coming week then just to non-slip repaint.
Individual Lathe work classes have started.
Poly tunnel irrigation has been suspended due to first frost of the winter.
We have been contacted this week by pupils in S3 from Biggar High School, asking if we would like to participate, with them in the Youth and Philanthropy Initiative. YPI There are 250 schools in Scotland submitting to the Initiative.
Our 3D printed widgets have been distributed to parties as Therapeutic gadgets, another batch is in the process of printing. The first of the Safety Guards for Church chairs has been made.
Stuart McKay has given a well-received talk to Biggar U3A about the Men’s Shed movement and Biggar Shed in particular. A donation of £50 thankfully received.
- We have found a leak in the roof above the finishing workshop. Lindsay has effected a temporary fix and Bobby has contacted a roofer.

Found the leak was due to degraded mortar but realised there were a number of concrete tiles in poor condition. Sourced and purchased a supply of 100 tiles which will be sufficient to repair and leave some for future use.
Members are reminded to book for Christmas lunch